Attention, young Jedi! Get ready to embark on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away as Disney+ unveils the trailer and key art for its latest animated series, “Star Wars: Tales of the Empire.” Set to launch exclusively on Star Wars Day, May 4th, this thrilling new series promises to captivate audiences with its tales of adventure, intrigue, and the eternal struggle between the forces of light and dark.
A Galactic Saga Unfolds:
“Star Wars: Tales of the Empire” is a six-episode odyssey that delves into the heart of the fearsome Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths. In this exciting follow-up to the critically acclaimed “Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi,” viewers will witness the unfolding drama as young Morgan Elsbeth, fueled by loss and vengeance, charts a course through the treacherous Imperial landscape. Meanwhile, former Jedi Barriss Offee must navigate a rapidly changing galaxy in order to survive. The choices they make will shape the destiny of the galaxy itself.
Meet the Voice Cast:
Bringing these captivating characters to life is an all-star voice cast that includes Diana Lee Inosanto as Morgan Elsbeth, Meredith Salenger as Barriss Offee, Rya Kihlstedt as Lyn (aka Fourth Sister), Wing T. Chao as Wing, Lars Mikkelsen as Thrawn, Jason Isaacs as the Grand Inquisitor, and Matthew Wood as General Grievous.
Behind the Scenes:
Created by the visionary Dave Filoni and serving as supervising director, “Star Wars: Tales of the Empire” is a testament to the creative genius of the Star Wars universe. Executive producers Athena Yvette Portillo and Carrie Beck, along with co-executive producer Josh Rimes and senior producer Alex Spotswood, have worked tirelessly to bring this thrilling saga to life.
Don’t Miss the Adventure:
Prepare to be transported to a galaxy of excitement and wonder when “Star Wars: Tales of the Empire” lands exclusively on Disney+ this Star Wars Day, May 4th. With its gripping storyline, stunning animation, and unforgettable characters, this is one journey you won’t want to miss!
May the Force be with you as you embark on this thrilling new adventure!